We take care of people and their assets when they no longer can.

When facing difficult life transitions, we are lucky to live in California, one of the few states to train and license* professional fiduciaries. As state-licensed professionals, we act as trusted advocates for people who are unable to safely manage their own assets and/or healthcare decisions.

* Susan Graven is licensed by The Professional Fiduciaries Bureau (PFB). Under the Department of Consumer Affairs. The PFB  regulates non-family member professional fiduciaries. Susan’s license number is #1217 and can be verified here: https://www.fiduciary.ca.gov.


We serve as Trustee, Attorney-in-Fact, Executor and Healthcare Agent, in three key service areas:

Trust & Estate Administration

We administer estates in an organized, tax-efficient manner, helping to preserve, grow and distribute wealth in accordance with your plan.

  • Beyond serving as Trustees and Executors, we are often asked to act as the Power of Attorney (Attorney-in-Fact) and Health Care Agent, to take the burden off you and provide peace of mind. A Power of Attorney is a legal document that authorizes a qualified person of your choosing to make health and/or financial decisions for you or to take action on your behalf in the event that you become incapacitated or are declared incompetent. A Durable Power of Attorney continues to be in effect even if you become incapacitated. The Power of Attorney ends either when revoked or when you decease.

    An Advance Health Care Directive (formerly known as Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care) is created with your input and reflects your health care and end of life wishes. The choices that you make in your Advance Health Care Directive will guide your Professional Fiduciary in making medical decisions when you are no longer able to do so for yourself. We will spend time with you discussing your choices to ensure that your wishes are clear when the time comes. The Agent under an Advance Health Care Directive can be changed or revoked by you.

Elder Support

We assist in navigating the complexities of the aging process with dignity, specifically regarding health, caregiving, and quality of life concerns.   

Financial Services

We offer relief from paying monthly bills; tracking and managing investment accounts; submitting tax returns; and paying income and property taxes.

We advocate for our clients so they can live life on their own terms.

We do everything in our power to honor your wishes and implement your plan. We handle your estate with efficiency and as little drama as possible. Perhaps you wish to:

  • Stay in your home as long as possible?

  • Have a trusted professional protect and manage your finances?

  • Avoid arguments among your children over estate management decisions?

  • Move into a place that treats residents with dignity?

  • Delegate selling your home to a licensed professional?  

Meet Susan Graven

Owner/Founder, Fiduciary Services, LLC

After reading a series of articles about financial elder abuse in 2019, Susan immersed herself in the senior services field. She became a California licensed bondable professional fiduciary while interning with a fiduciary group in 2020. She started Riviera Fiduciary in 2021.

Susan is often asked to present on Avoiding Frauds and Scams (specifically for the elderly) and, in conjunction with attorneys, on topics around Estate Planning, highlighting the importance of the Healthcare Power of Attorney (Advance Directive) and the Financial Power of Attorney.

  • Susan partners with lawyers, financial planners, CPA’s, senior care experts and other professionals to ensure excellent assistance for her clients. She is a member of the Professional Fiduciaries Association of California, the Estate Planning Group Network of the South Bay and holds a leadership position with the National Foundation for Senior Services. 

    Susan brings a wealth of experience to her client relationships. She has held senior management positions for public and private companies, leading high-performing teams in healthcare, education, hospitality/travel, b2b publishing and government. She earned her undergraduate degree at the University of Richmond and her Master’s Degree from Cornell University’s School of Hospitality Management. Earning her Professional Fiduciary Certification from UC Riverside in early 2020, Susan then studied for the National and California* licensing exams, passing both in October 2020.

    Susan and her husband of 25 years, Paul, have two children in college. The family has enjoyed living in Redondo Beach for the past 18 years, particularly in the Riviera Village neighborhood that inspired the firm’s name. They enjoy bike rides on The Strand, yoga, family golf, beach walks, camping and hiking.

    Susan and her team are ready and eager to assist those in need of a California licensed bondable professional fiduciary.

    * Susan is licensed by The Professional Fiduciaries Bureau (PFB) which was created by legislation enacted into law in 2007. Under the Department of Consumer Affairs, PFB regulates non-family member professional fiduciaries, including conservators, guardians, trustees, and agents under durable power of attorney as defined by the Professional Fiduciaries Act. Susan’s license number is #1217 and can be verified here: https://www.fiduciary.ca.gov.

Susan demonstrates the depth of her passion for this field and her desire to reduce stress and suffering in the world through her dedication to her clients, one family at a time. I am also a licensed professional fiduciary and I would not hesitate to recommend Susan for any role where impeccable ethics, communication, a trusted network of professionals and compassion are required.

Shannon Dalton, LPF

What Clients are Saying…

″My sister suffers from advancing Alzheimer’s. I am solely responsible for her care, and I live 3,000 miles away.  Susan has been the bedrock of my effort to assure my sister's wellbeing.  She visits frequently, provides coordination of other caregivers, and provides leads to local resources when needed. 

Most importantly, on several occasions my sister has suffered medical emergencies and Susan has always been there to assure that she receives the support she needs. I sleep better knowing that I have Susan's capable, trustworthy, and loving help on-hand.″

- Evan James (2022-current)

″In her role as Fiduciary/Trustee for my parents’ estate, Susan has shown a remarkable combination of expertise and greatly appreciated compassion. While my parents were alive, Susan worked with my father as his faculties declined. She explained things so he understood and felt valued as a partner, and he looked forward to her visits.

Since my parents’ passing, Susan has overseen the estate with the utmost integrity, again demonstrating that rare combination of knowledge and kindness. I believe that, in large part, it’s thanks to Susan that my brother and I have been able to work together so successfully throughout this process. I give her the highest recommendation.″

- Linda (2023-current)

″Susan has 100% integrity, in addition to being smart, trustworthy, kind and caring (and I've known her for over 25 years). I recently did my estate planning, to make sure my daughters are taken care of in the future and chose Susan as my successor trustee. I wanted a trustee who I can rely on to successfully manage my assets and be there to support my daughters' life event needs along the way, if I cannot. 

I have complete peace of mind that Susan will fulfill my wishes. I highly recommend!″

- Sharon Simmons (2021-current)

″I have known Susan for over 30 years.  She is one of the most trustworthy people I know, smart, fun loving, always learning new things, a planner, and great with details. All the characteristics you could want in a fiduciary. If I were looking for someone to help take care of me or someone I loved, I would trust Susan without reservation.″

- Keith McNutt

Schedule a free phone consultation.


  • A licensed fiduciary (in California) is required by law to act in a client’s best interest. So, by law, every action and recommendation a FIDUCIARY makes must be made based solely upon the best interest of their client.

  • Pricing is based on the experience and expertise needed for a given ask. I have a team of people who can provide bookkeeping, financial analysis, care needs consultations and more for rates ranging from $70-$200/hr.

  • Contact me using this form and we can start with a complimentary 30-minute consultation where I explain my services based on your needs.